Monday, August 16, 2010

zona prohibida

this is all i can show right now from the new design of my blog and website. a small sneak peek. i will try to combine those two; both physically and designwise. is that possible? i think i will have to learn a lot of css for that. can we call css the big brother of html?(excuse me for the ultra technical references!) yet another session of learning new programs for me. sigh.

the website is progressing, though not as fast as i want it to. you know i constantly have the famous freelancer's dilemma of trying to motivate myself when nobody wants anything from me yet. but when i don't come up with new things to offer, nobody will want anything from me anyway. it's a snake trying to eat its own tail. i have to make him spit it out! the dilemma might not be famous at all.


Anonymous said...

your theme is "ari maya" or what??? :P

meric taylan said...

hihi! that's funny:DD i like these little guessing games. wait a liitle bit more, por favor;)