Tuesday, December 30, 2008


i just have had this in mind for several days. ok, here it goes: last friday i attended a really great presentation by ozgur tasar (i'm leaving the special characters out just in case). he talked about innovation in design, how it is handled at the company he works, and what is coming up regarding design in the future.

what he talked about really reminded why i became an industrial designer. i was really happy to listen to him. i couldn't talk to him afterwards, but i would like to say that he really did amazing things in his journey.

*happy new year to everyone around the world! drink irresponsibly;)*

Sunday, December 28, 2008

origami anyone?

i came up with another character some days ago. check this out: the origami dog! since she is made out of paper folding, she will of course move 'paperesque' (hehe, are you disgusted with my made up words?). this lady will, too, come alive in a couple of days.

dogs around here bark as 'hav'. what do they say in your language? well, of course they make pretty much the same sound around the globe, but you know what i mean:) i'm sure it would be a neat collection in every language... so please, do comment!

blogging along with thirty million other things in life is pretty hard. but i like feeling responsible to blog at least several days a week. it really forces me to do some work. yay to the blogosphere!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

less of words, more of works

you cannot believe how i produced the sound effect of this girl:

can you guess? i discovered that i enjoy creating sound effects a lot! so much fun. there are soooo many things that you can do with simple household items.

the test-publishing of my mother's book is cancelled. mucho dinero;) they are going to publish it right away. that means if there are some errors, well, they will be multiplied by thousands.

these days i am researching biomimicry. i will try to share my vision of it in a couple of days. it's a really funny and interesting subject. how about some industrial design talk?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

what does the sand bucket have to do with all this?

these poor kids have been waiting for me to animate them for ages. they must have had terrible cramps by now. i hope this blog helps me to fi.nal.ly complete the tiny little animated short just for the sake of completing something for myself. am i making myself clear? probably not. hmm.

i have this whole scenario-storyboard ready. the kids are ready. the set is ready (well, kind of). then who is not?

do you sometimes have this terrible feeling of not doing things worth your effort, time is passing by, and you still haven't accomplished your dream project?

hehe just because i stated that i want to finish this short, now i have to do it. well, because if i don't, i will be an online liar:)

more kaleidoscope coming soon.

here's some franz ferdinand for you.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

post script

due to the shooty quality of my currently loaded video, i am adding a p.s. post to give you a screenshot of what my goggles look like:

promises should be kept

alright; here is the aforementioned kaleidoscope-inspired animation. i think it has gone far away from being a kaleidoscope-so the flower goggles it really is! i'm quite excited. i have another one prepared, but that one will more likely come along with some audio-my first sound effect actually:)

i hope you enjoy watching it. i'm not a big fan of symmetry, but i will give it a chance-or maybe several chances... please tell me what you are thinking!

by the way, i am blog-hunting right now. i will add some nice design/animation/illustration... blogs when i'm done searching. do you have any recommendations? it is a bit like i am talking to myself at the moment. is there a word for virtual shyness? hehe

and a big WELCOME to those who decided to follow me! thank you and you are always welcome to comment...

Friday, December 19, 2008

excited? just wait!

aaahh! i want to share something which i made couple of days ago. the thing is, it is kind of a surprise for someone, so before the surprise is revealed, i cannot share it yet... but i'm so impatient!

instead, i would like to leave you with this lady here:

you cannot guess why i even made this! ok, i needed to explain some ladies and gentlemen how to set a fire online; so i ended up clean, without any loss or damages to property:)

one more thing: they are going to test-publish my mother's book next week-so wish me luck! hope everything goes just fine.

this video is streaming kind of weird. hmmm. any idea how to fix playback issues?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

gotta refresh a little...

i'm sorry for not posting. it has been a laaazy week for me. hope i can brush it off. anyway, i want to see some work around here! the computer program learning is going quite well. i feel more empowered and free to do anything i want. but sometimes all i want to do is watch movies...

i don't claim to be a photographer, but i would like to leave you with this photo anyway... can you guess where it is taken? hehe...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

try not to get sick

as you see, i have finally added a header to my page. yippiii! what do you think? (hehe if anybody is even reading, of course!) changed some colors and even edited some html parts, too. some further design changes are due.
two days ago i watched sicko, and i highly recommend it, especially for those who think it is cool to have a privatized medical system.
ok, it's time to add some more animations, right?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

quickie post and cool link

if my browser allowed javascript, i would make you a demo of a nice tool: wordle. you can get really pretty visualizations of your texts, which may add some instant coolness to your page... why don't you just try it with some random text? and yes, i am sooo unable to allow javascript in my browser. i am ashamed of myself.

here's a small hint of what my header will look like:

i really can't wait to finish it!!
note: it is a bad idea to eat all the fridge's contents.

Monday, December 8, 2008

a good reason to be a bookworm

lately i had to do some serious learning, so i couldn't exactly find time to blog... don't you love it when learning computer programs takes all of your time? anyway, i was going to tell you why i needed to do a kaleidoscope research: well, because my mother (sorry for the lack of english text in the link) wrote another book called 'kaleidoscope'. i am really proud of her, and happy to be able to contribute her in the tiniest way. her book insiped me for some other stuff. here is what it will look like (this will be wrapped from the front to the back):

i hope you like it, and i hope there will be no problems during publishing. i also designed her other book a couple of years ago. i try to keep them somehow in the same format, so that in the end she has a 'series' of books which look familiar when put together:)

hehe maybe i can come up with some stuff related to this 'new learning' of mine... anyway, don't forget to enjoy the weather-whichever hemisphere you are on!

Friday, December 5, 2008

flower goggles:)

today i was going to talk about some exciting news, but i decided this would be inappropriate at the moment. soooo, this is something i want to animate-maybe to add some sound this time... it is inspired by a kaleidoscope research i just made-its story coming tomorrow- i hope to figure out a way to achieve the effect i want without getting drowned in details. the sketch doesn't tell much but i'm adding anyway... around here a kaleidoscope is alterantively named a 'flower binocular'; but i would like to call it 'flower goggles'. doesn't that sound funnier?;) is every culture actually calling it flower binoculars? i need to google that...
i also learned how to further customize the blog's appearance. will try to design some nice header!
i wonder what the other design bloggers are doing?
see you guys around!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

more bunny in action:)

i guess it would be nice if i introduced myself a little further... but sometimes i feel that is only possible through my work. hm, depending on my mood, i think i may add some information about the work i have posted and about myself. i would also like to personalize the look of my blog; only i am not quite sure how it's done... i will learn one step at a time i guess...ok, here it goes again. the plop! bunny in more action:

i think i will be using this guy quite often. i like him quite a lot. not in my next post, though:) bunnies always seem funny to me. i like their weird paranoid uneasiness (can there be such an expression?) and rapid movements. at least that is my image of them. anyway, yay to all the bunnies!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

i wonder what will happen?

i wanted to have a kitchen full of industrial design, animation and illustration. i wanted to share some work, without the pressure of deadlines and financial worries. hmm. let's see, i hope i can manage cooking and posting things regularly and don't get lazy as i usually do. so, shall i try my first one?

this is my plop! bunny. i really enjoy creating characters and doing flash animations.