Thursday, April 30, 2009

out of nowhere

there is a different kind of logic that applies to small cities. the people, the traffic, the behavior, the food, the energy... you need to be in a certain frame of mind to survive in a particular city. i got an unreal feeling from my short trip. i cannot explain it very clearly, but maybe if i post some photos over time, i might give you a sense of what i've felt... does that place really exist?

talking about photos, let me ask you what this one is about... i enjoy looking at it. is this an easy one?
what do you think about small cities?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

road trippin'

i'm not crazy about the song from red hot chili peppers, who i absolutely adore and had spent whole seasons listening to (wayyy back) but it makes of a nice title, doesn't it? once more it is travel time for me. this one was kind of a surprise. i wonder what i will see. if interesting, i might share:)

take care and don't forget to enjoy the great outdoors!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

mind to change?

i have been talking lately about a blog makeover, since my website announcement( i try to squeeze in that to my 'to do' list, somehow. my first concept was something like this. buuuuut... since this is meric taylan's KITCHEN, not meric taylan's office, well, the concept should include some kitchen, right? i have some sinister ideas about this, hehe. not quite your usual kitchen, i might say. hm... this change of mind will cost me some time, but we'll see...

what do you think, should i stick with the 'office desk' theme? oh well, not fair. i'll send in the other theme first, then ask your opinion:) any comments are always welcome, as usual...

Friday, April 24, 2009

i'm alive!!

look how cute this guy is!! remember my friend's baby mobile project? i contributed her project with this little fella. well, my friend has turned it into a real-life fella:)) i was amazed to see him like this! absolutely fantastic!! i can't believe how cute he is! (i wonder what the incoming friend of ours will think?) i am really happy to be a part of this...
hehe this was an instant boost to my mood, which has basically been crawling on the floor nowadays. yay!! (jumps up and down in place). a biiiiig thank you and hugs to my friend;D

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

raw material

my design is forming little by little. i won't reveal what it is until it's finished, but guesses are always welcome. i think it is easy now. i will need to study a specfic folding principle to realize it, and that is the fun part! i'm trying to 'see' the design fully. there are sooo many details to be solved. i really enjoy this process, challenging me at ev.e.ry tiniest decision. sometimes i feel the more painful the design process, the happier i am at the end. hmmm. they have a specific word for that, don't they?;)hehe.

the blog's makeover coming soon!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

shadow of the man

there was an exhibition about shadow. there is an exhibition, actually, because it will last until may 6th, the name is in praise of shadow . it was about everything shadow: puppets, animations, drawings, footage from shadow plays... actually stuff i really like and want to spend a special time researching. i went there a couple of weeks ago, but was kind of... disappointed. i don't know what exactly i was expecting, but i wanted see more 'stuff' and 'action', i guess. the exhibition left a 'weak' taste in my mouth. thinking about all the incredible effects you can do with shadow... i always like walking around the museum (usually the museum is more interesting than what's inside for me) so it can be fun to visit if you have some extra time and keep your expectations low.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

maybe this is a better idea

hm, the capacity of plasticine to serve as my model material seems to come to its limit:) now i will indeed need more hi-tech equipment. just kidding. i will move on to computer imagery for a while. after that things will need to get even dirtier, model-wise... can you guess what this is now?

have some sunday fun with ting tings!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


hehe just another 'what is this?' post. i don't remember who did it, but there was a list like '25 mistakes designers make' and two items were 'spending too much time on the computer' and 'not making models to avoid getting dirty'. i'm sure the exact words were different, but the main essence was like that. i couldn't agree more. being obsessed with computers instead of spending valuable time exploring the 'real' world... i wish more employers understood that when you are not at your desk, you might be more useful for the company:)) the same goes with models. is it really possible to develop a product without making a model? i guess you can use just about any kind of material as long as it fills your need. there's no need for expensive hi-tech equipment to visualize ideas. well, at least always.
so, what is this?

Thursday, April 9, 2009 :)) finally!

i finally managed to publish my website after much huffing and puffing:)! there is still much work to do; the english version is still due, i want it to open up in a separate window instead of these interesting proportions, and to make navigation easier... whatever! i have a website:)) hehe you might guess how the blog's appearance will change accordingly... i'm happy to announce this;)

i hope you like the website and the work inside. tell me your opinions! i know, i know. i shouldn't have announced before i fixed everything, but i can't help myself. i am a constant work in progress:P

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

capa sobre capa

over the years i realized that i haven't paid much attention to my background skills. designing industrial products and characters, backgrounds have always been secondary to me. well, of course i have some background work, but you can see that mostly it is figures, figures, figures. well, not anymore! i 'm sure studying backgrounds can teach me a lot. it seems like a whole new world for me!! i hope to exploit every kind of material-digital or 'real'- to explore this relatively unknown territory to me.

this is my first attempt. when i looked at my clothes rack horizontally, there was a strange beauty in the layers in front of each other in all these different lengths, shapes and colors. this could make a nice background topic:) what do you think? do you slack in the background department, too?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

not a good city to burn

i watched a film, i giorni dell'abbandono, and i absolutely adore the lead actress. killer expressions! the film was good, if not awesome. after watching it, i don't know why, but i wanted to go straight to italy. the scenes really were fantastic! i wanted to walk around rome (by the way, i have no idea where the film was shot), getting to see every street. to look at every building. to take a picture of every detail. maybe the coming of spring gives me this 'i must go away!' feeling, i don't know... maybe the thought is more attractive because it is sooo impossible now...

don't forget to do what comes to your mind when it is possible;) maybe you can visit rome for me and send me some postcards?

more work will be coming soon, and more news!