Wednesday, December 29, 2010

twenty eleven

yet another new year is coming! will we have a snowy new year's day? hope so:) i wish everyone a funny and inspired year! try not to worry too much about that 20th cookie you eat and that whole bottle of wine you drink O_o

a little new year's present for you: what is this plant here?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

fill in the form with block capitals using a ball point pen

inspiration comes from such diverse sources! i have decided to turn my recent experience with bureaucracy (ahh, had to check spelling in the dictionary so bad!) into a cartoon. yes i did.

how i love bureaucracy, mm! all that filling, and refilling the same forms over and over again. all that writing your own address in 20 different places, getting cramps in your wrist. all that slowness in spite of your running out of time. all that feeling of dependence, when you want to scream your lungs off at his face. all that not giving the necessary information at the beginning, when you could just have avoided that whole-day waste of time. and, of course, you have to have infinite amount of cash with you, just at that spot. of course.

don't you love it, too?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

back to basics

sometimes an idea leads to other ideas, leading to yet other ideas and so on. inspiration builds itself up, exponentially. in no time you are approaching towards a meaningful whole. but that happens when you are happy with your initial idea. it is like a virtuous cycle.

what happens when you are not sure of your initial idea? does it stop producing anything in a while? does it stay in your 'to do' list forever, collecting dust and eventually fading into nothingness? do you think it is better to force to make it work, or to let it go and start over? hmmm.

check out my fake-3d-microscopic effect:)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

bead curtain

voila! this is the work in the exhibition:) since i didn't get permission, i cannot put the other peoples' works here. but i really would like to thank all my kind friends that helped me with their ideas, their photographing skills, their poses, their fun and their patience:D this is not an individual work at all.

ok, here's the link to what this workshop is all about... for me it was a great experience to work with all the different people from different backgrounds. i think it still is not finished, but let's see about that.
what do you think this work could be about? what do you feel when you see it? before i explain i would like to hear from you...

Friday, December 10, 2010

you exhibitionist

hihi yet another teaser for you here... i have been working quite a lot lately, and not just by myself. there was an intense workshop. i am not showing or telling anything else until... the exhibition begins!! can you believe? this will be the first time i suppose, that i am in an exhbition! yuppiiii:) can you guess what this can be a part of?

just wait, more details coming soon.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

orange and brown

finally! i have finished my sample and i'm ready to go. maybe a few little tweaks here and there, but basically i am done (sorry about the watermarks, but you know). remember my rant about the fabrics and my last disappointment? it is all forgiven:) i'm quite happy about the color, too, don't you think? there is one more tiny detail i never mentioned here about this bag, but that will remain unmentioned because that is the point which will probably make or break my design.

i am fantastically happy! (dances, dances all around!) now proceed to the next step...

Saturday, December 4, 2010


ok, now it's time to get my hands dirty once again with sewing machine dust. action!

so what's this guy looking at?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


some interesting emergencies come up. they always do. and interrupt life. i have just resumed normal activity, and there is a huge pile of... life waiting for me to take care of them!

the professional sample did not happen. mine was far more professional than the one i got from the tailor. it was a huge disappointment (sorry, so bad that i can't even upload photos). i didn't discuss the matter too much with them, took my sample home and decided to... do it by myself!!! as usual. actually, i was expecting things would turn out this way, but hoping i would prove wrong...

one note on the positive side: my dear friend brought me lots of samples of shopping bags. a biiig thank you! i think mine is still the cutest;)

so i guess this means even more sewing machine time for me!