Monday, November 28, 2011


yes, yet another little pattern right here. how littler can it get? can you see anything? hehe. well, don't be afraid. i won't be turning this into the little flower blog. would you like me to change the color scheme to pink as well? i could have a light pink background, write in dark pink and have a pink header. yummy!

i must say i am missing finland these days. hmm. although i'm pretty sure these flowers would be frowned upon in the land of the midnight sun. finnish design loves simplicity!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


continuing with the little patterns. this is another reinterpretation of another ottoman pattern. see how crappy i cropped the image? (hehe that kind of rhymes!) bad, bad, bad... this is again, a small part of the bigger project i mentioned before.

you see i like flowers pretty much! many other people must be liking them too, because i need to make use of flowers quite often in designs.

what do you think? are flowers gateways to 'kitsch'-bad and cheap taste? or do you find them visually useful?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


let's see some little patterns. i had a lot of fun doing these; despite the tight deadline, couple of months ago. ok, more than a couple i guess :D they are interpretations of traditional ottoman patterns and are part of a bigger project. i hope it is fun looking at the details!

ahh, so refreshing to be back!!

i hope this won't turn into the-blog-makeover-that-never-happened. 'a snake story', as we say it in turkish. it is said for things that never get done or completed. familiar, huh?

Saturday, November 19, 2011


uh, more updates please! when you don't talk about something, it is as if you haven't done it. now that i am not talking about what i have been doing (a lot!); new designs, new characters, new scenes... you might think that i am actually sitting in front of my computer doing nothing. ahhh, the work that strips you off of the tiniest bit of time you have!