Monday, December 28, 2009

rebel against technology

ok. i'm not modelling the bag in 3d. doing so seemed kind of
pointless. maybe i am fed up with the 'whatever you do, make it 3d' attitude. it's not going to be cnc'ed anyway (cnc on wikipedia for the non-designer folks). there are millions of ways to present an idea, aren't there? i'll try and explore them a little. or i can die of boredom. seriously, sometimes i get fed up with 3d so badly, i can procrastinate up to infinity...

nowadays i get this identity crisis. am i the person i resolved to be ten years ago? twenty years ago? i feel i owe that person. that child. i don't want to betray her. but i feel i am... i don't want to keep the paths that i don't feel i belong to. are you the person you resolved to be ten years ago?

hmm. i also have this habit of exaggerating my emotions. i feel that living in denial is much worse than exaggerating true feelings, though. i don't know. all i know is i'll feel much better when i finish this baggy baggy. graphic design gods, come and help me!

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