Sunday, October 24, 2010


ok, a little more sneak peek from what my website will be like... (no, the concept is not maya the bee, as one dear friend has claimed before;)) have you watched that animation series, by the way? if you are too young to have watched it, please go kill yourself. no, don't do it. i'm joking. don't ever do anything that any crazy blogger tells you to. most probably they are jealous.

yeah, if i am willing to combine my portfolio with my website, shouldn't i be sounding more... professional anytime soon? what do you think about that? are you keeping business with personal babblings separate? that's a tricky one, because designing is ultra-personal for me. how can i be all cooled-and-professionaled-up about that? i think that's a whoooole separate entry in itself. hmm.

i hope the coding part of my soon-to-be-website-blog will be easy. the visuals are almost done. time to hit the keyboard!!!

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