Friday, July 23, 2010

asphalt eaters

alright, here are some photos from our beloved trip (some of them courtesy of hubby). i downsized them quite a bit, if it is too much, i'll try a bigger size next time. i will try to keep the entries simple, 3 photos maximum for each place, so you don't get bored to death!

so i have broken my own rule already. this photo has nothing to do with our last trip. so why did i put it here? no idea! it is from a trip on 23-25 april to assos. but my, what a surreal view!

ok, now for the real deal: this is simav, a lovely camping area near a lovely (and bird-laden) lake. we were there quite early, around 14:00. the pictures do there no justice, actually.

i told you i was going to birdwatch, and you didn't quite believe me, did you?. well, we did, and we saw soo many different fantastic birds. i could easily say that this was an amazing nature kind of trip. the little gal here was quite timid and we had a hard time photographing her.
after a comfy nights' sleep and lots of amazement, we continued our way to pamukkale. this photo was from a secondary road not so far from simav. most of the time our jaws dropped at how beautiful it was around (and yes, that is the windshield of a motorcycle:)

i will try to continue with one post each for every place we stayed over the next days. is this a travel blog? well, i don't know yet. stay tuned!

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