Tuesday, February 9, 2010

life's muddy road

today i went to an industrial area for an interview. i don't how the industrial areas in your country are, but here... they are pretty shabby. dirty. muddy. nothing but endless rows of funny-looking factories in various shades of grey, covered all over in soot.

i had to walk part of the road, right next to the highway and without any sidewalk. mud, dirt, mud, earthworms, molten snow, more mud and nylon bags with the occasional pebble. cars passing by in impossible speeds (can i say 'speeds'?). i was all dressed up for the occasion (well, the best 'dressed up' that i can be, but that's another entry). first i tried to avoid the filth; but once i took a few steps, i just gave up. i had to walk around 1-2 kms like that, so i let the mud spot my stockings and my boots get stuck in the slosh. i was pretty much a mess when i reached the interview spot. mmm, how i love being presentable!

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