Saturday, June 6, 2009


whew. it's been quite a while. this is the longest time i guess without me updating. sorry for that, but these guys are part of the reason why i couldn't. being commercial and bla bla bla, i can't talk about it (sorry about the 'mysterious' stuff i have to put here). i can say i really had fun working these months.

today i actually watched coraline with bonus 3d glasses. apart from being technically superb, fabulous and incredible, i found something about the film really weird. i think the scenario was a bit odd to me. too creepy for a child to watch, and yet too childish for an adult... and 'the other side of the house' theme... haven't we seen that many times before? but i must say, the puppets, their animations, the expressions, the set, the visuals... i am lime green with envy:)

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