Saturday, November 20, 2010

paint myself into a corner

so meric, why are there no entries in the first ten days of november? well well well... have i been mysteriously erased off the surface of earth? was i lying in a coma at a rural hospital? hell, no. my absence has a valid reason. none other than... painting the house with my dear hubby, of course!

it was pianful, it was tiring and it was awkward. i had one thousand work-related urgencies to take care of at the same time. there was a lot of plaster-mixing and paint rolling. a lot of sanding and masking with masking tape (huh?). a lot of covering the defective parts and isolating with styrofoam. but i'm not regretful. it all reminded me a bit of the good ol' days when i was a newbie design student, breathing dust instead of oxygen. how much fun!

the rooms have an interesting acoustic while painting, by the way. you can drive your neighbors crazy just by singing;)

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