Sunday, January 31, 2010

inspire me

this photo is from the same village where this rusty image was taken, and which i turned into a small guessing game. well, since it is no mystery any more, the village is 'anadolu kavagi'...

the place in this picture seemed almost like a movie scene to me. i loved the worn out texture on the stairs and the overall dirty color scheme (the cloudy weather helping that scheme, too). don't you just love the plant in the tire? necessity is the mother of.. creativity!! hehe.

i'm really happy to see another follower, alecos! thank you:)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

¿porqué todo el misterio?

i am about to launch my beloved project. there are still many things that will change, and i think i won't be able to show them up here. i think i have already said too much. what i am going to do next is a total mystery for me. but somethings about this project have got to change. let's see what those will be. so; time to say goodbye to my bag on the web for a while. the design projects will all have to disappear after a certain point, i guess; only to come back after everything is settled. i'm excited!!! so, more animation up next for a while!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


i have to say that i am really fed up with all the power problems of working somewhere. i feel like it is a constant arm wrestling. arm wrestling in the brain. you also have to think of the 'matches' in your head beforehand. sick of it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


what happens when a mathematician-writer, a computer scientist, and two animator-cartoonists decide to create a graphic novel about logic? well, here you go: logicomix! i'm very happy to have met alecos papadatos during the animation celebration last december at our university, and he has done all the character design and drawings in it.

pretty crazy idea, not? i was fascinated when i heard the idea; even more fascinated when i read it! bertrand russell is our hero. he is in "an epic search for truth", as on the cover of it. i was crazy about the scenario, the characters, the colors... as i told alecos, i liked that logicomix does not answer all the questions it is asking... it will be out in turkey in a couple of months, i guess.


Sunday, January 24, 2010


yesterday it snowed. it was such a nice sight. now you might say 'this is nothing compared to the snow in my town!' but believe me, i've come to the point to miss even this amount of snow. we went to the countryside (hehe if there is any countryside here) under the snow. the whiteness was so beautiful, especially in the green areas. it stopped snowing in the evening, though.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

january sucks

i just had too much fun overexposing effects in illustrator. i'm not even sure i can achieve the background image here once more. hehe. i think i like this effect better. still not completely happy with the colors, though. i'll try some combinations and upload here. lcd and crt monitors have a great color difference, by the way. anyone out there still using those monitors with huge tubes at the back?

i kind of try to get rid of the misery that has been surrounding me for such a long time. it doesn't seem to be going anywhere, though. anyway, in that attempt, i did some major decluttering:) i did a clothes, extra paper and computer data massacre. i planned my week and month. the misery is still there, but at least i feel 'fresher':D. why does getting rid of unnecessary stuff gives one such a perverse pleasure? what does that have to do with anything? some sense of control maybe?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

this is more like it

i think i like this presentation better. this is my first day of working like an illustration, so there will be some refinements. sometimes simplifying things seems better. what do you think? i'm not sure about many things-the fonts, the name, the background color, even the effect behind the main figures. i might use a non-3d approach here. at least it is more fun in this project!

my attempt to watermark my images is still a work in progress. this time i'm trying this overlay effect. i think something like a logo might be neater. and that means more work for me. naah, maybe just a better typeface will do. let's see about that.

error on page

agg! my 'add image' buton here at work doesn't function, so you'll have to wait till i get home to see my super-duper images to come:P grr. i was so ready for a fresh entry. just wait a couple of hours...i also need to add some more entries. forgot about the blog completely for a few days.

Friday, January 8, 2010

need more images

once more, i have been busy like crazy. an image-laden entry is due. right here where i'm working i don't even have a photo to post. i don't like these text-only entries, but you'll have to wait for a couple of days for a more colorful one. how about some colored text? no?