i still have some reservations on the answer i have come up with to my 'how to have your bag design produced' questions, but i feel i am getting to the end. whenever i am at that point of finishing a self-induced project, i tend to procrastinate. well, that is hard to confess. but there you go, i'm confessing it. i hope i don't fall into that trap this time and ever again. it's true, i have tons of other things to do, but i don't want to use that as a shield to protect me against putting that one last effort.
do you remember the video game
street fighter? (attention: violent reference ahead.) there is a point at the end of the match where you are prompted to 'finish him!' (your opponent, that is. yeah, really civilized.) i sometimes find myself not being able to 'finish it!!' as soon as i am able to. but i always
do finish them, somehow. does that sound familiar to you?
oh what is procrastinate?
hihi it is to put off what you have to do as much as you can:) a close brother of laziness and a cousin of 'fear of being successful'!
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