Friday, August 28, 2009


this is what we first saw of canada. a lot of wet areas and seemingly bare land. we passed very near the north pole, and even the heating of the plane couldn't keep us warm. the flight was so long and boring, watching a film was of no help. we caught a glimpse of some glaciers. that was quite a sight. if it was quite a sight, where is the photo? hm?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

we are here!

hi, we arrived at our destination. ok, it is canada, vancouver actually! tomorrow some photos may come. for now it seems a bit chilly in the evening. very natural, very expensive, very calm. too calm maybe? the journey was long and boring. well, since we are coming from turkey, that is no surprise! am i jet lagged? no, but i'm tired! we even managed to fit in a mini-walk around the outer part of town.

i'm out for now. hope the power adapters we bought from back home work;)

Monday, August 24, 2009

just hours

hi, just a quick post to remind that tomorrow morning i'll be flying. i am changing continents on the northern hemisphere. let's see if i can connect there as soon as i go:) see you! lots of drawings and pictures are due.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

vamos a viajar

this blog will turn into a travel blog with the snap of my fingers:) hehe, that's a joke. but for the next few weeks, my main focus will be travelling and getting to know new places. i'm sure there will be lots of design inspiration, artworks, buildings and tons of stuff i can't even imagine right now. not to forget animals ;) remember my 'i love nature' days? i will make you suffer even more! i'm sure at times i will be quite depressed and out of place. i know that's a normal thing, but at the time i won't be able to help myself and be a pain in the rear. for the first time in my life i'm going to fly over an ocean. brrr! don't worry, i'll give the specifics over time. did i say i will fly over an ocean? i mean row:P i'm planning to sell these baskets to supply me some food. and some water. and some petroleum in case i get tired. and some sunscreen.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


somebody help me!!!!

hehe. actually today i am much more relaxed. i even watched some tv yesterday. but then i remembered why i don't watch tv.

meetings, business calls, emails, work, work, work, preparations. i know i'm going to forget something even from today. because i always do.

i feel like my status as a designer is pending now, which i hope will change soon!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


august... no time to blog. i've been working and studying like crazy. i've been seeing nightmares all the time. the problem is this: i'm preparing for a journey far faaar away. is this going to be just a vacation? i don't know. i will try to keep up with the blog and the journey information. sometimes i might not be able to. there is a lot of stress around, and my mind is sooo busy. i'm leaving at the end of the month.

i don't want to be absent all the time. hope to calm down a bit soon!

what about all the design stuff?

Monday, August 10, 2009

insignificant post

blah. i think i'm going to catch a cold. sore throat, headache down to the sinuses, overall exhaustion. wait a minute, it could be heat stroke too. i spent 3 whole days walking under the dessert sun!

we love the sun anyways:)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

read on!

texts texts texts... these days i have to do a lot of reading. i love it! i wish i had more time to focus better, but when is there enough time, anyway? i better get used to it, because soon it will be my life...

i have been away from academic reading for a looong time. now i'm back! i feel totally illiterate. (couldn't even spell illiterate correctly!). you know, i always feel like a child . i don't know anything about anything. no matter how much i read, i feel more and more illiterate with every book, every sentence, every phrase. but i'm not afraid! i'm going to eat you up, all you texts! i will smell you, tickle you, grasp you, kick you!

do you involuntarily connect everything to everything after you read couple of texts? i think i do!