Monday, January 26, 2009

why is this turtle looking at me?

here's a snapshot of my soon-to-be website. the content is ready, everything is working but i need to rent some hosting and domain name. of course if i can escape my infamous laziness. by the way, that might not be necessary, since i already have a hosting service by blogger, right? hmmm.

today i was really happy to see some of the ladies and gentlemen (to whom i had to show how to set a fire online) doing really good jobs (their final work, actually). it is nice to see your point is taken:) now i really need to rest a little bit.

i really needed that cheering up. i sometimes want to bury my head in the pillow and stay like that forever.

by the way, i really wonder how these images are selected to be clickable or unclickable by blogger. grrr.

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